Monday, August 25, 2008

Haiku Diary - March 2008

California tumbles into the sea/that'll be the day I go back to Annandale...

Haiku 3/1

Got pilled the fuck up
and stood outside a nightclub
freezing my ass off.

Haiku 3/2

B65 bus.
We could have walked home and back
for all we waited.

Haiku 3/3

Guess what? It's nice out!
Guess what? I'm in an office!
I'm climate controlled!

Haiku 3/4

Psyched out about school
should be hearing back any day
scared I won't get in.

Haiku 3/5

Ran myself ragged
over the last week or so.
Premium good times.

Haiku 3/6

Wrote all day at work.
Hey, what the hell, I got paid
to be creative.

Haiku 3/7

It's Streetmeat Friday!
The hot sauce was no joke, son.
Our meat's the streetest.

Haiku 3/8

Saw an awning fall
when I was high in the rain.
City Island date.

Haiku 3/9

The Red Hook sunset
supermarket parking lot
big thing of T.P.

Haiku 3/10

Skipped a free rock show
to go and do my laundry.
What happened to me?

Haiku 3/11

Don't slack on your mack.
If you're not down with chilling
then we can't hang out.

Haiku 3/12

Cranking out this zine,
watching it come together,
eating chorizo.

Haiku 3/13

Got some freelance work
editing some filth-flarn-filth
with "sex" in the name.

Haiku 3/14

Got into grad school!
One thing - It’s in Chicago.
Tough decisions soon.

Haiku 3/15

Serious dude date
weed, cheeseburgers, daylight beer
the roof, Prospect Park.

Haiku 3/16

Dicked around the house
thinking about Chicago.
it was dreary out.

Haiku 3/17

Anti St. Patrick’s.
Cooked some Korean food and
didn’t touch a drop.

Haiku 3/18

Got a sweet tattoo
of an angler fish from Myles.
Ill shit from the depths.

Haiku 3/19

Went out with work folks
while coming down with a cold
nodding on the train.

Haiku 3/20

Went to a punk show
saw some old friends, drank whiskey
and secondhand smoked.

Haiku 3/21

Fuckin’ Equinox!
Wind just about crashed my bike
damn winter headcold.

Haiku 3/22

Stupid move alert:
Getting drunk at 5pm
to fight a headcold.

Haiku 3/23

A good tax return
biking around bugging out
nervous energy.

Haiku 3/24

Ill Italian meal
and then walked over the bridge.
New "CSI"s on!

Haiku 3/25

I’m the only March
at the office birthday bash.
They all sang to me.

Haiku 3/26

Made lots of copies
just stacking up my zines like
Lil Wayne stacks paper.

Haiku 3/27

Went to a reading
by an old family friend
for his book release.

Haiku 3/28

I left work early
because I lead a wild life
you don’t understand.

Haiku 3/29

I turned 29
had a fish fry at my place
then saw some burlesque.

Haiku 3/30

Post birthday clean-up.
Guess I’ll wipe the collard greens
off the kitchen wall.

Haiku 3/31

Hank Junior was right
about hangovers hurting
more than they used to.

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