Sunday, March 9, 2008

Man, Ain't That News!

Here's the goal: Gullible Zine #28 will be out by my birthday, the 29th.
So far so good. I've started doing layout, and am tinkering with the last couple of pieces of writing. I'm also working on drawing the cover. Attached above is a sideways-ass detail from the cover art. Thrashin' Ra!
Included in this issue will be some Richmond and tour stories, a couple episodes of a new comic strip called "Chilling," and a contribution from Cole H.
Once I get that all done, the rough plan is to put together my 2007 Haiku Diary, and make issue #30 be The History of The Flesh Eating Creeps (my band from the second half of the '90s). The FEC History should sort of coincide with the release of our discography CD.
That's all. I'll post an excerpt from Gullible #28 when it's done.

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